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电话: 13930948682
姓名: Mary

  QINGHE COUNTY YU CHENG AUTO PARTS CO., LTD is a professional manufacturer of outer casing. Located in Qinghe county Hebei Province which is very close to Beijing and Tianjin Port, transportation is very convenient. Superior geographical position and vast development prospects make YUCHENG become the ideal partner. 清河县御程汽车零部件有限公司是专业的软管生产制造商。坐落于毗邻北京和天津港的河北省清河县,交通非常便利。优越的地理位置和广阔的发展前景使御程成为理想的合作伙伴。 Company plant covers an area of 8000 square meters, equipped with modern production equipment, experienced staff. Managed according to ISO 9001:2015, YUCHENG established business relationship with customers both mainland and abroad due to high quality products, competitive prices, superior geograph...

主要产品/业务: 汽车摩托车配件,套管,钢丝绳,五金件,拉线

清河县御程汽车零部件有限公司 / 河北 / 河北省清河县工业区 (054800 ) / 电话:13930948682


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